Samples of Recipe Round Up articles written for the Canadian Food Focus website. One of the fun parts of this project was partnering with other farm groups to feature their recipes that feature Canadian ingredients.

What’s on the menu for Canada Day?

Celebrate Canada Day with your family and friends with these tasty recipes ideas featuring yummy Canadian ingredients!

6 Summer Grilling Recipes To Help You Get Fired Up!

It’s hot outside so keep the heat out and fire up the grill for these delicious summertime recipes.

7 Berry-licious Recipes to Enjoy This Summer

It’s berry season so take advantage of summer’s juicy bounty with these tasty recipe ideas.

6 Juicy, Mouth-Watering Burgers to Start the Grilling Season

Grilling season is finally here, so scrape off the grill and roll up your sleeves for these juicy, mouth-watering burgers.

7 Recipes for Planning the Perfect Picnic in the Park

Pack up these delicious picnic recipes and head out for a relaxing day at the beach, park or even your backyard.

5 Easy Dinner Meals for Summer with Shopping List

Look no further for summer weeknight meal ideas full of fresh vegetables and ideas for the grill! We did add one oven recipe in case of rain. Included is a downloadable shopping list so you only have to shop once for a week of supper recipes.

9 Easy and Healthy Recipes for an Inspired Breakfast

Why is breakfast important? After sleeping all night your body needs some nutrients to get it going again.